Hawaiian Community Dinner by Winslow House
Last Sunday Winslow House organized a Hawaiian Luau Community Dinner! Our team of dedicated Winslow girls with Mrs. Jones's support planned and carried out the evening dinner, where our whole SMUS Boarding community gathered to taste Hawaiian delicacies.
Narjes designed a promotional poster, Michelle M, Yuina, and Jasmine made lovely decorations, Angel lead the game for the best Hawaiian Luau dance, Emma, Lauren, Therese, Megan took courage to speak in front of everyone and announced the tables, while enjoying some relaxing Hawaiian music and videos that Samina collected to provide a real Hawaiian experience.
If you'd like to see the videos of the Best Hawaiian Luau Dance Competition, follow the link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mdmDWhMxh_RFfSPd1XrF5qP5W9RkCOVa
First, we had Juniors (Grades 8-10) coming in for dinner:
Then, we had Seniors (Grades 11-12) :